Dr Kathleen Pishas

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Dr Kathleen Pishas is a senior research fellow within the Campbell Laboratory at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. Kathleen completed her PhD at the University of Adelaide in 2013, and continued her Ewing sarcoma drug resistance work at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio under a NHMRC CJ Martin Biomedical fellowship. Since returning to Australia in late 2018, Kathleen has investigated the role of ABCB1 mediated acquired drug resistance in High Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma and is currently conducting the world’s largest synergistic drug screening effort in Low Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma to identify new therapeutic strategies. She has received over 2.5 million dollars in primary investigator funding and was recently awarded a USA Department of Defence Ovarian Pilot Award and Victorian Cancer Agency fellowship to continue her genomic and cell surface proteomic characterisation studies in Low Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma.