Tania Maria Batley
Kaitauwhiro Mātātahi Mokopuna Ora ‑ Mokopuna Ora Contracts Advisor
Past mahi-teacher and social worker and I am currently employed at Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu, the Whānau Ora commissioning agency, as a Contracts Advisor Mokopuna Ora.
Patient Advocacy;
1. “Let’s test for HPV” research, a member of the Māori Steering rōpu/group.
2.“Journey’s-Where are the inequities in the journey from health to gynae cancer in Aotearoa? research, a member of the Māori Steering rōpu.
3. Whakamaua: Pae Ora research stakeholder interviewer on Māori Health Authority 2020-2025.
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